Members Uplode Video And Files Of Incidents
As a valued retail member of Catch a Thief UK you can now upload your incidents directly to us safely and securely using our file uploading system where you and your team can easily submit any incidents that you have captured on your stores CCTV system.
Once you have submited any incidents to Catch a Thief, we will assess and screen all submitted CCTV footage and incident report forms in order to verify and evaluate any incident(s) of theft or anti-social-behaviour that may of taken place in your retail business. When incidents are verified we will file a report with your local Police unit and provide you with the crime/incident reference number.
We will then process all verified incidents for the purpose of creating and publishing Public appeals via this website and our online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and TiKTok. You will also be able to refer back at anytime to your submit incidents as they will be stored here untill they are no longer required.
Please carefully follow all the instructions below and follow all the rein order to successfully submit your incidents to Catch a Thief UK.