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Retail Crime: Times Radio Interview with Catch a Thief founder Farrah Mcnutt and host Henry Bonsu

Join us for a compelling interview on Times Radio, where radio presenter Henry Bonsu talks with Farrah McNutt, founder of Catch a Thief UK, about the alarming rise in retail theft and violence across the UK.

In this insightful discussion, they explore the reasons behind these crimes and the innovative measures being implemented to significantly reduce them.

During the interview, Farrah now 30 years old shares her personal journey, reflecting on her time as a teenage shoplifter at the age of 13. She reveals how her past experiences have shaped her mission to help retailers detect and deter crime. Over the past decade, Farrah has transformed her life and dedicated herself to developing Catch a Thief UK, an online crime prevention platform that has grown significantly since its inception in 2014.

Catch a Thiefs Wireless System: Two Speaker Audio Warning Announcement and online Public Appeals Reporting System. Easy to use and install no fuss. Great deterrent!!!

Wireless Audio Warning Announcement Public Appeals Online Reporting System

Catch a Thief UK has already partnered with a growing number of independently owned retailers and now offers retailers a wide range of cutting-edge crime-fighting technologies and solutions to retailers and their valued retail members, including:

  • Public Appeals

  • Storing Essential Data and CCTV

  • Banning Notices/Trespass Notices

  • Expert Security Advice

  • Crime Reporting

  • Suspect Matching

  • Latest News Updates and Alerts

  • Private Prosecutions

  • Recovery of Loss

  • Artificial Intelligence Theft Detection Technology

  • Body Worn Video Cameras

  • Audio Warning Announcements

  • Facial Recognition

  • Panic Button Directly To Control Room With Live Communication and Monitoring

  • Powerful Warning Signs

  • Pre Loaded Tablet which allows you to control and monitor all your systems in one place. Upload Public Appeals and report incidents

  • Fogging Systems

  • Store Security Shutters

  • Access Control

  • Alarm Tagging Systems

  • Secure Tobacco and Cigarettes Displays

  • DNA Offender Spray

  • Handcuffs

  • Security Lights and Strobes

  • Security Equipment and Clothing

  • CCTV/ Installation and more...

Farrah also highlights the importance of supporting people who steal out of genuine desperation or due to drug/alcohol misuse and mental health issues. She emphasises the need to provide these individuals with the necessary guidance help and support to turn their lives around.

National Help and Support Services

Don't miss this enlightening conversation about tackling retail crime and the impactful work being done by Catch a Thief UK to create safer retail environments.

Home Office Approved Body Worn Video and Audio Cameras

Smart Artificial Intelligence Technology - Detects Theft In Real Time

Warning Signage With Added Unique QR Code For Geographic Tracking Public Appeals and Deterrent Purposes


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